TSURU FOR SOLIDARITY: Tsuru for Solidarity Condemns Trump’s Expansion of the Muslim Ban

Three years after his first Muslim Ban, Trump announced today that he is expanding it to six additional countries. Like each previous version of the Muslim Ban, this new ban is rooted in the Trump administration’s bigotry and xenophobia, including the president’s well-known belief that Black immigrants come from “shithhole countries.” As Japanese Americans, we recognize this kind of bigotry; it is what politicians used during World War II to justify rounding up our families and throwing us into American concentration camps.

And the expanded Muslim Ban is just the latest example of how this administration is using immigration policy to promote discrimination, repression and fear. The administration has imprisoned parents and children, dismantled asylum protections for people feeing violence and sought to eliminate protections for Dreamers and other longtime U.S. residents. We stand in solidarity with the communities being targeted today.


Clarendon Alternative Elementary Play of the Legal Struggles of Fred Korematsu in Celebration of Fred Korematsu Day


Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal speaks on Japanese American Incarceration, the Muslim Travel Ban, and #StopRepeatingHistory.